CATEGORY | November 18, 2019

What Is An Assistant Project Manager? A Brief Overview Of The Position
Construction Management

What Is An Assistant Project Manager? A Brief Overview Of The Position

Project Managers are in charge of the whole show – as far as the specific project is concerned, the buck stops with them (or their boss). Regardless, Project Managers are expected to make the big decisions on the job. By the time they’re even promoted to P.M., they already have several years of experience in the field. So what exactly are P.M.s doing before they become Project Managers. In this article, we’re discussing the question of “what is an Assistant Project Manager?”, including what A.P.M.s do and the type of experience they have.

Avoiding Rework In Construction - 10 Common Causes & Solutions
Construction Management

Avoiding Rework In Construction: 10 Common Causes & Solutions

“There’s never enough time to do it right, but there’s always enough time to do it again.” This quote says a lot about human nature, the construction process and the corniness level found in the industry. It’s true, though – no large project will be without “rework”. Rework is work onsite that must be redone, the causes for which are varied and plentiful. While every contractor has experienced rework on their project at some point, none of them want to do it again. Rework affects the schedule, our reputations and of course, the bottom line. In an effort to be preventative, this article is all about avoiding rework in construction, along with 10 common causes and solutions for each!