CATEGORY | Work-Life Balance

Do Construction Managers Have To Travel? Lets Break It Down
Career Planning

Do Construction Managers Have To Travel? Let’s Break It Down

Let’s kick this one off with a bit of history. It’s the year 1848. Location? North America. What were folks up to? The Revolutionary War was over, but the Civil War had not yet begun. While I can’t speak for everyone since I wasn’t there, about 300,000 people decided to pack up their belongs, leave the family homestead and head to California, often on perilous journeys. The reason? The Gold Rush. Although gold had been discovered in California by local residents earlier, 1848-1849 is when the rush truly began to occur. Often referred to as ’49ers, people from all over the world began arriving in California – not only from the eastern parts of America, but also from Mexico, Peru, China, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and more. The prospects of wealth and prosperity – even through word of mouth and letters – was sufficient reason to give up everything, leave home and spend time digging or ‘panning’ for gold in the desert. In short, people wanted money and California was the best place to find it. While things in America are a bit more stable now, the idea of traveling to find prosperity is far from over – actually, that goes for any country of origin. While working from home is pushing things in a new direction, the prospect of traveling to find better opportunities is still relatable for millions of people. This group certainly includes people working in the construction industry, but there are many nuances to consider. If you came here after wondering “do construction managers have to travel?”, fear not – I aim to answer this with as much detail as I can.

Do We Really Need To Work 8 Hours A Day? The Truth On Full-Time Jobs
Career Planning

Do We Really Need To Work 8 Hours A Day? The Truth On Full-Time Jobs

The 40-hour workweek is the hallmark of full-time employment in many countries. Five days per week, eight hours per day with weekends off. This experience has been so well-engrained in our society that many of us never question it. After all, we want to be hard workers. We want a ‘real job’. If we don’t work an eight hour day, some of us think we didn’t work hard enough. The answer? It depends. What are we doing during that time? How much effort are we putting in? How efficient are we working? All of these questions lead us to an even bigger question – do we really need to work 8 hours a day? Today, we’re exploring the truth about full-time employment.

Is Dating A Coworker A Bad Idea? My Honest Opinion
Workplace Experiences

Is Dating A Coworker A Bad Idea? My Honest Opinion

Ah, dating in the workplace. The stuff sitcoms, dramas and movies are made of. We live in a society that idealizes the concept of finding ‘the one’ for you at work. But maybe that’s not what we’re after at all – perhaps we just want a casual fling with a coworker. Whatever the case may be for you, we’re going to go deep on answering this burning question: Is dating a coworker a bad idea? I will also give my honest opinion. Let’s begin.

Going To The Office On The Weekend - 5 Situations When It's Beneficial
Project Management

Going To The Office On The Weekend: 5 Situations When It’s Beneficial

Let’s be real here – nobody wants to work on the weekends. Weekends are supposed to be the time where you spend time on anything BUT work. Most of us don’t even want to think about work during the weekend, let alone go to the dreaded office. In modern times, though, we’re juggling more and more on a daily basis. Our personal and work lives are merging more than ever. Most of us work more on average than we did in the past, too! In this article, we’re discussing going to the office on the weekend, and 5 situations when it’s beneficial. Let’s dive in.

How To Have A Life Outside Of Work - Our Top 10 Tips
Workplace Experiences

How To Have A Life Outside Of Work: Give These 10 Tips A Try

Burning out sucks. No one likes to work, work, work with no reprieve. As the famous line says, ‘all work in no play makes _____ a dull _____’. At the same time, it’s not the responsibility of our employer to give us a life outside of work, either. We need to do that for ourselves. Don’t feel like you have the time? Too tired? This article is for you! Today, we’re discussing how to have a life outside of work, along with 10 tips you can start using right away!

Is Construction Management A Good Career Path?
Career Planning

Is Construction Management A Good Career Path? The Pros & Cons

Every year, college graduates from a variety of fields enter the field of Construction Management. While this includes people who’ve majored in C.M., the influx of new workers also includes engineers, architects, business/management students and more. By choosing the Construction Management career path, many of these students end up drifting slightly from the field they actually studied. Why is that? What made them choose Construction Management over something else? Is Construction Management a good career path? In this article, we’re comparing the pro’s and con’s of working in C.M. Enjoy!

Construction Management

Avoid Construction Management Burnout With These 5 Practices

Working in construction management is no picnic. Looming deadlines, uphill battles, surprises, dealing with mistakes and pushing the pace are just a few ways in which construction managers get hit with stress. There is always going to be pressure to push the pace and get things done. When the hours stay long and the recovery short, we begin burning out our fuel tanks in turbo mode. Hitting the wall is inevitable – we experience burnout. If you feel tired – both physically and mentally – by just thinking about work, you may be experiencing it. It’s important to recognize burnout as quickly as possible to begin fixing it. In this articles, we’ll discuss five best practices for avoiding construction management burnout!

How To Relax After Work - Easy, Simple Ways
Workplace Experiences

How To Relax After Work: 10 Easy Ways

While not physically dangerous or exhausting, many jobs are still mental taxing. Chronic stress, burnout and even depression are increasingly common in the workplace. Combine this with longer hours, larger workloads and constant emailing after-hours, it’s easy to see that we all need a way to relax after work days are done! There are thankfully many ways to do this – which have you tried? This article is written for the people with crazy jobs who are anxious, stressed out, and need to figure out how to relax after work! Enjoy.