CATEGORY | December 11, 2019

What Do Project Managers Wear? A P.M. Wardrobe Guide By Industry
Project Management

What Do Project Managers Wear? A P.M. Wardrobe Guide By Industry

Out of all the project management topics to write about, I never expected to write on about fashion choices. I do like to dress well when possible, but I never really considered that as part of being a P.M. It turns out that more people are interested in this topic than I expected, so here we are! So what do Project Managers wear, exactly? This varies from industry to industry as well as what the day’s activities will entail, so we’ll cover the basics of each!

Don't Miss These Construction Management Rules Of Thumb & Hacks!
Construction Management

Don’t Miss These Construction Management Rules Of Thumb & Hacks!

While no two construction projects are truly the same, they all share many common threads. The construction industry is complex in that many different types of people and processes are required to bring a project to fruition. Within this framework are countless interactions, assumptions and exchanges between people. When all of these humans are working together, the mystery of human nature is bound to rear its’ head. Where there’s human nature, there are patterns that repeat themselves. Luckily, we’ve been able to not only identify these patterns, but come up with catchy sayings to represent them. In this article, we’re talking about 10 construction management rules of thumb and hacks!