CATEGORY | Career Planning

Dealing With Depression After Being Fired - 7 Crucial Steps To Take
Career Planning

Dealing With Depression After Being Fired: 7 Crucial Steps To Take

Getting fired from our job. Thousands of people experience it every year, yet it can be devastating when it happens to us. No one likes getting fired, even if they hate their job. Between personal insecurity, financial impacts and an abrupt change in our routines, it’s easy to slip into a negative state of mind after being terminated at work. While it feels like our lives turn into swirling disasters, there are simple, logical steps to take during these emotional times. In this article, we’ll explore dealing with depression after being fired, and the 7 actions to take.

What Qualities To Look For In A Boss? The Things My Favorite Boss Did
Career Planning

What Qualities To Look For In A Boss? The Things My Favorite Boss Did

I find myself thinking about a lot of the negatives associated with project management and the workplace, even without meaning to. Delays, problems, issues, disputes, claims, manipulative people, standing up for yourself at work and other similar topics are what many of my articles are written about. There’s validity behind all of these topics for sure, but there’s a lot of good we can discuss at work, too – in project management and beyond. How you feel at work often comes down to who your coworkers are. The most important coworker of them all, though, is your boss. I imagine that there’s very few people who love their job but can’t stand their bosses. Today, we are exploring the question of “What are the qualities to look for in a good boss?”. I will answer by examining my favorite boss and the seven qualities he possessed!

Can An Engineer Become A Project Manager
Career Planning

Can An Engineer Become A Project Manager? 5 Realities To Consider

The field of engineering has grown drastically in the past couple of decades, as has the overall demand for engineers in the workplace. Well over 100,000 students graduate with a degree in engineering each year, according to ASEE – that’s in the US and Canada alone. Engineers are sought after by many companies for their problem solving abilities, discipline and technical backgrounds. There is a caveat worth mentioning, though – many of these companies aren’t engineering firms. Statistics vary, but I’ve heard as many as ~50% of all engineering degree holders are not actually working as engineers. Supply and demand dictates that the more engineers there are in the workplace, there’s less of a demand for them all, and the job market gets more saturated as the pace of supply outruns the pace of demand. If you’re an engineering graduate, it’s a coin toss chance as to whether you’ll work as an engineer or not. There are, however, many alternative careers that engineers are a good fit for. Onto the main focus of this article: can an engineer become a project manager? Let’s explore it.


About This Topic

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is one of the first questions we’re ever asked as children. From that point on, the importance of our careers is emphasized throughout our entire young life. It only makes sense to spend time strategizing for ours futures and doing some career planning. We all ask ourselves the same questions. What type of career path is best for me? What qualities should I look for in a boss or workplace? Should I change jobs? How do I negotiate a raise? If you’re asking yourself these questions presently, then check out our articles on career planning!