CATEGORY | Efficiency

How Do You Run An Effective Status Meeting?
Project Management

How Do You Run An Effective Status Meeting? 10 Best Practices

In offices around the world, people yawn, gaze at the clock and day-dream during meetings. Meetings are seen as boring time-wasters that keep us from doing our actual jobs. Most people would jump for joy if meetings were wiped from the schedule altogether. There’s only one issue – meetings ARE important, at least when they’re run effectively. Meetings are the only time when the team gets together. When run efficiently, these meetings give everyone the opportunity to brainstorm, ask questions, address issues and improve the business. Rather than scrapping meetings altogether, the best option is to maximize the outcome. “How do you run an effective status meeting?”. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 practices to maximize your office meetings!

What Is The Waterfall Model Used For In Project Management
Project Management

What Is The Waterfall Model Used For In Project Management?

Projects come in all shapes and sizes. Some projects are broad, vague and developed over time as changes and improvements are implemented. On these more complex projects, using a management method with flexibility and room for changes is of utmost importance. Other projects require a more straightforward, linear approach – complete step 1 as required, then move onto step 2 when step 1 is fully satisfied. Repeat until the project is finished. The former method is known as the Agile project management process, which we’ve recently written about. The latter approach is what we’re focusing on in this article, which is known as the Waterfall method. So what is the waterfall model used for in project management? Let’s explore!

Overwhelmed By Big Projects? Try These 6 Essential Techniques!
Project Management

Overwhelmed By Big Projects? 6 Approaches With Metaphors & Examples

When we first take on a project, it feels like we’re given a huge block of stone – from which, we’re expected to sculpt a finely-detailed statue. Even worse, we must sculpt it within a certain amount of time, with set resources. Where do we start? What do we do first? At the very beginning, a new project can feel quite overwhelmed. It’s even easier to feel overwhelmed by big projects. There are just so many steps, phases and tasks to get right. Just as a 1,000 mile journey begins with a single step, or how the pyramids are built with one block of stone at a time, projects can be broken down into easy, bite-sized steps – all it takes is a change in our approach and strategy! In this article, we’ll discuss six approaches to large projects, along with metaphors and examples.

Common Weaknesses Of Project Managers
Project Management

Common Weaknesses Of Project Managers: Overcoming My 6 Main Flaws

Are Project Managers born, or made? Most likely, it’s a combination of both. Whether our specific discipline is in Engineering, Software Development, Architecture, Construction Management, Business Management or none of the above, we decided to pursue our fields in part because of our natural passion and inclination for the craft. In this way at a minimum, Project Managers can be born. In the vast majority of cases, though, people within these fields need to get several years of experience on the job before being promoted to ‘Project Manager‘. These several years include valuable work experience, training and continual development. In

What Is The Agile Project Management Process?
Project Management

What Is The Agile Project Management Process? 4 Simple Techniques

We all desire to work more efficiently, improve our results and stop wasting so much time. Unfortunately, many traditional ways of doing business are becoming outdated. Working in an office eight hours a day, five days per week was once the gold standard. Now, flexible work hours and working remotely are commonplace. Conference calls have replaced meetings – heck, even conference calls are now outdated thanks to Skype and video conferencing! We all know what it feels like to space out during mind-numbing, useless meetings. The world of business is evolving quickly, and the Project Management profession is no exception. You may hear certain buzzwords echo around the industry. In this article, we’ll discuss one of the top recent trending words in project management: Agile. What is the Agile project management process exactly? Let’s find out.

How To Be More Efficient At Work - Easy Ways
Project Management

How To Be More Efficient At Work: 8 Easy Practices

“Efficiency equals time saved; time is money; a dollar saved is a dollar earned”…you get the idea. Workplace efficiency is important for reaching goals and living a balanced life. Check out this hypothetical tale of two project managers, plus eight ways to be more efficient at work!