How Project Managers Waste Their Time - Avoid Doing These 13 Things
Project Management

How Project Managers Waste Their Time: Avoid Doing These 13 Things!

Time is money, they say, but it’s not entirely true. While I understand the intent behind this expression, there is a gaping hole in the theory. Time is worth MUCH more than money for the majority of us. Time is the only resource we can’t buy any more of. We all get the same amount of hours in each day, but none of us can ever get time back. The positive response to all of this? Make the best use of your time as you possibly can! This goes for work and personal life alike. As far as work is concerned, let’s talk about how Project Managers waste their time. If you’re looking to make the most of your time at work, avoid doing these 13 things!

7 Simple, Effective Ways To Get Ahead As A Project Manager
Project Management

7 Simple, Effective Ways To Get Ahead As A Project Manager

We talk a lot on this website about whether Project Managers are born or made, and we always arrive at the same answer – there’s elements of both in the best P.Ms out there. That being said, the most polar opposites of ‘born’ Project Managers out there can still boost their skill levels tremendously through learning and experiences. Said another way – there’s a strong possibility of success for even the most unnatural P.Ms. In this article, we’ll be exploring 7 simple, effective ways to get ahead as a Project Manager! Let’s dive in.

Managing Projects With A Short Attention Span
Project Management

Managing Projects With A Short Attention Span: 6 Must-Do Habits

Is your attention span similar to flipping through TV stations? Are thoughts racing, fast and ever-flowing? If so, you may have what some call a ‘short attention span’ – that is, your attention is constantly drawn to every thought or distraction and remains on any one subject for a short amount of time. This article is not written in judgement – I have this issue myself! Guess what? Over the years, I really haven’t changed either. While meditation, concentration and a healthy lifestyle do help with focus and mental performance, much of who we are and how are brain works is given to us at birth. Just as a sailboat is designed to use the wind to its’ advantage, regardless of the direction it’s blowing, we can adapt to our short attention span and in some cases, use our short attention spans to our advantage! This article is all about managing projects with a short attention span, and some techniques and habits we can use to overcome it.

How Can I Get Back My Focus At Work
Workplace Experiences

How Can I Get Back My Focus At Work? 4 Common Situations

It happens to all of us. Normally we’re a machine at work – we know what needs to be done, we come to work prepared and we tackle another day head on. While we certainly face challenges, we know we can handle them and plow right through them. We raise our hands victoriously at the end of the day and are satisfied by another job well done. Then it strikes. Whether it be sickness, personal stuff, burnout or something else – we lose our focus at work! The things we normally breeze through take longer than usual. Deadlines and assignments pile up. Where a neat to-do list once sat is now a scribbled pile of scrap paper and a bunch of tasks “we’ll remember to do” swirling in our minds. Maybe bosses or coworkers are noticing that we’re not the same. “Are you OK?” they ask. This is a place no one likes to be, and only one question remains: how can I get back my focus at work? Luckily, there are many things we can do. Let’s dive in.