CATEGORY | Overwhelm

How Can I Get Back My Focus At Work
Workplace Experiences

How Can I Get Back My Focus At Work? 4 Common Situations

It happens to all of us. Normally we’re a machine at work – we know what needs to be done, we come to work prepared and we tackle another day head on. While we certainly face challenges, we know we can handle them and plow right through them. We raise our hands victoriously at the end of the day and are satisfied by another job well done. Then it strikes. Whether it be sickness, personal stuff, burnout or something else – we lose our focus at work! The things we normally breeze through take longer than usual. Deadlines and assignments pile up. Where a neat to-do list once sat is now a scribbled pile of scrap paper and a bunch of tasks “we’ll remember to do” swirling in our minds. Maybe bosses or coworkers are noticing that we’re not the same. “Are you OK?” they ask. This is a place no one likes to be, and only one question remains: how can I get back my focus at work? Luckily, there are many things we can do. Let’s dive in.

How To Relax After Work - Easy, Simple Ways
Workplace Experiences

How To Relax After Work: 10 Easy Ways

While not physically dangerous or exhausting, many jobs are still mental taxing. Chronic stress, burnout and even depression are increasingly common in the workplace. Combine this with longer hours, larger workloads and constant emailing after-hours, it’s easy to see that we all need a way to relax after work days are done! There are thankfully many ways to do this – which have you tried? This article is written for the people with crazy jobs who are anxious, stressed out, and need to figure out how to relax after work! Enjoy.