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Do Construction Managers Have To Travel? Lets Break It Down
Career Planning

Do Construction Managers Have To Travel? Let’s Break It Down

Let’s kick this one off with a bit of history. It’s the year 1848. Location? North America. What were folks up to? The Revolutionary War was over, but the Civil War had not yet begun. While I can’t speak for everyone since I wasn’t there, about 300,000 people decided to pack up their belongs, leave the family homestead and head to California, often on perilous journeys. The reason? The Gold Rush. Although gold had been discovered in California by local residents earlier, 1848-1849 is when the rush truly began to occur. Often referred to as ’49ers, people from all over the world began arriving in California – not only from the eastern parts of America, but also from Mexico, Peru, China, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and more. The prospects of wealth and prosperity – even through word of mouth and letters – was sufficient reason to give up everything, leave home and spend time digging or ‘panning’ for gold in the desert. In short, people wanted money and California was the best place to find it. While things in America are a bit more stable now, the idea of traveling to find prosperity is far from over – actually, that goes for any country of origin. While working from home is pushing things in a new direction, the prospect of traveling to find better opportunities is still relatable for millions of people. This group certainly includes people working in the construction industry, but there are many nuances to consider. If you came here after wondering “do construction managers have to travel?”, fear not – I aim to answer this with as much detail as I can.

Writing Skills For Project Managers - These 6 Are Essential For Success
Project Management

Writing Skills For Project Managers: These 6 Are Essential For Success

When one imagines a Project Manager, they may picture a person meeting with team mates, reviewing reports or giving presentations. While Project Managers do all of these things, there’s one task that nearly every P.M. spends quite a bit of time on, especially these days: writing. Whether it be writing letters or responding to endless emails, a significant portion of a Project Managers’ performance is underpinned by their ability to write. For many Project Managers (myself included), it takes years of time and experience to finely hone their writing skills. While the best way to get better at writing is to simply spend time doing it, there are many easy ways to improve writing abilities too; many of them are more about what not to do than anything else! Let’s talk about 6 essential writing skills for Project Managers that I’ve picked up over the years. Note that some of these tips aren’t necessarily about writing per se, but rather the intent and strategy behind why you should sometimes write a certain way. Let’s go!

6 Things I Learned While Working For A Failing Company
Workplace Experiences

6 Things I Learned While Working For A Failing Company

Not all companies are meant to last unfortunately. Whether it be due to poor management, changing times, a rise in competition or even economic recession, many businesses end up closing their doors as the years go on. While some of these closures are sudden, other companies take several years before they’re completely shut down. As you probably know already, the daily experience employees have at a failing company is not always great – the atmosphere can range from unmotivated to extremely stressful and everything in between. This experience can also apply to your department or specific branch closing too, even if the company as a whole is not going out of business. If this is your experience, I can relate. The last two years at my previous company were spent seeing the ‘tidal wave’ coming in slow motion; most of us knew our division – once one of the largest in the company – would be shut down eventually given our overall performance, but no one knew exactly when. Here are six things I learned while working for a failing company that’ll hopefully be helpful!

Is Project Management Competitive? The Answer Is Complicated
Project Management

Is Project Management Competitive? The Answer Is Complicated

Many students and young professionals aspire to become a Project Manager at some point in their careers. Some of us desire the title and decision-making authority that being a P.M. provides, while others long to overcome challenges and deliver projects successfully. Of course, many of us want the higher salary and other financial perks that Project Managers often enjoy. Whatever your reason for wanting to become a P.M., it’s likely that other people out there also want to become a Project Manager for similar reasons. How many others are looking to become P.M.s? Is project management competitive? If you’re thinking about becoming a Project Manager and are looking for some stats, then read on!

5 Things I Wish I Knew As A Young Project Manager
Project Management

5 Things I Wish I Knew As A Young Project Manager

In the world of project management, some things can only be learned through experience. Despite my best efforts in my early years, I made plenty of mistakes managing projects. There’ve been times when I’ve felt confident in my strategy, only to walk right into an issue thereafter. “What was I thinking?”, I say to myself. “How did I not see that coming?”. I can also think back to times where I didn’t necessarily make a mistake, but would approach certain situations in a completely different way nowadays. It happens to all of us: every project manager makes mistakes, learns through experience and evolves over time. With that in mind, this article is meant to convey a few overarching lessons I’ve learned over time so young project managers out there can learn what I’ve learned the hard way. Here are five things I wish I knew as a young project manager.

When Your Boss Criticizes You in Front of Others, Do These 5 Things
Project Manager Soft Skills

When Your Boss Criticizes You in Front of Others, Do These 5 Things

Bad bosses are the bane of many employee’s existences. No matter what industry you work in, how old you are or even what your position is, the vast majority of us have dealt with a bad boss at some point in our careers. There’s plenty of ways a boss can be “bad”: poor understanding of the company’s needs, terrible at planning ahead, being clueless on what’s happening day-to-day, and so on. Situations like those are surely annoying to deal with, but few boss behaviors are more insidious than bullying. One common way bosses bully employees is through humiliating them in front of others. These reasons bosses behave this way are varied and complex, but one thing is for sure – we all want to put an end to it. If you’re wondering what you should do when your boss criticizes you in front of others, don’t miss the five tactics we discuss below.

Underpaid Project Manager - How To Get A Raise Or Promotion
Career Planning

Underpaid Project Manager? Here’s How I Got A 43% Raise In 24 Months

Let’s be honest. Even if we love project management, we still want to get paid. Not only that, but we want to be paid what we’re worth. While many of us manage projects – even difficult, challenging ones – our salary does not always line up with our skill level. Some of us grind away at our job for years on end while feeling like we should be getting more. Despite growing immensely in skill and experience, we simply don’t ever seem to get that big raise or jump up the ladder like we think we deserve. It can be frustrating to work at an organization for while, having far surpassed the skill-level we had when hired, only to find out a new-hire for a similar position is making a heck of a lot more money right off the bat. What gives? If you’re an underpaid Project Manager looking to get a raise, then stick around. In this article, I’ll be talking about how I got a 43% increase in pay over a 24 month period and what I did to get there!

What Do Project Managers Wear? A P.M. Wardrobe Guide By Industry
Project Management

What Do Project Managers Wear? A P.M. Wardrobe Guide By Industry

Out of all the project management topics to write about, I never expected to write on about fashion choices. I do like to dress well when possible, but I never really considered that as part of being a P.M. It turns out that more people are interested in this topic than I expected, so here we are! So what do Project Managers wear, exactly? This varies from industry to industry as well as what the day’s activities will entail, so we’ll cover the basics of each!

Don't Miss These Construction Management Rules Of Thumb & Hacks!
Construction Management

Don’t Miss These Construction Management Rules Of Thumb & Hacks!

While no two construction projects are truly the same, they all share many common threads. The construction industry is complex in that many different types of people and processes are required to bring a project to fruition. Within this framework are countless interactions, assumptions and exchanges between people. When all of these humans are working together, the mystery of human nature is bound to rear its’ head. Where there’s human nature, there are patterns that repeat themselves. Luckily, we’ve been able to not only identify these patterns, but come up with catchy sayings to represent them. In this article, we’re talking about 10 construction management rules of thumb and hacks!

7 Simple, Effective Ways To Get Ahead As A Project Manager
Project Management

7 Simple, Effective Ways To Get Ahead As A Project Manager

We talk a lot on this website about whether Project Managers are born or made, and we always arrive at the same answer – there’s elements of both in the best P.Ms out there. That being said, the most polar opposites of ‘born’ Project Managers out there can still boost their skill levels tremendously through learning and experiences. Said another way – there’s a strong possibility of success for even the most unnatural P.Ms. In this article, we’ll be exploring 7 simple, effective ways to get ahead as a Project Manager! Let’s dive in.