CATEGORY | Entry Level

Inexperienced Project Manager? The Do's & Don'ts For Young P.M.s
Project Management

Inexperienced Project Manager? The Do’s & Don’ts For Young P.M.s

Ah, the early stages of a Project Manager’s career – everything’s so new and the possibilities are endless. Cherish these stages, because soon you’ll be an experienced, jaded Project Manager with a steel gaze! Half kidding. When a P.M. gets assigned their first project, they’ll likely feel many emotions at once – excitement, nerves, pride, anxiety, intimidation, disorientation and more. Like most promotions, becoming a Project Manager is a big deal, which requires a boost in performance and responsibilities. Is an inexperienced Project Manager truly ready? By following the list below, young Project Managers can maximize their experience on their new project while protecting themselves from the downsides! Let’s jump in.

Is Construction Management A Good Career Path?
Career Planning

Is Construction Management A Good Career Path? The Pros & Cons

Every year, college graduates from a variety of fields enter the field of Construction Management. While this includes people who’ve majored in C.M., the influx of new workers also includes engineers, architects, business/management students and more. By choosing the Construction Management career path, many of these students end up drifting slightly from the field they actually studied. Why is that? What made them choose Construction Management over something else? Is Construction Management a good career path? In this article, we’re comparing the pro’s and con’s of working in C.M. Enjoy!

Dealing With Depression After Being Fired - 7 Crucial Steps To Take
Career Planning

Dealing With Depression After Being Fired: 7 Crucial Steps To Take

Getting fired from our job. Thousands of people experience it every year, yet it can be devastating when it happens to us. No one likes getting fired, even if they hate their job. Between personal insecurity, financial impacts and an abrupt change in our routines, it’s easy to slip into a negative state of mind after being terminated at work. While it feels like our lives turn into swirling disasters, there are simple, logical steps to take during these emotional times. In this article, we’ll explore dealing with depression after being fired, and the 7 actions to take.

Does Construction Management Require Math? The 5 Ways You'll Need It
Construction Management

Does Construction Management Require Math? The 5 Ways You’ll Need It

The business of Construction Management consists of professionals from a variety of disciplines. Whether they’re life-long tradesmen, engineers, architects, PMP-certified project managers or business professionals, construction managers are ultimately responsible for the same end result. Because of this, they must have a diverse skillset with a variety of abilities. The prospect of relying on one skill in particular makes a lot of people nervous – math. Does construction management require math? In this article, we’re discussing the five ways that math is needed in C.M.!

The Difference Between Construction Managers And General Contractors
Construction Management

The Difference Between Construction Managers And General Contractors

The terms Construction Manager and General Contractor are often interchanged in conversation. While both parties are involved in the general management of a construction project, they’re actually very different from one another in regards to responsibilities, liabilities and costs – even the employees’ focuses and priorities will be different. Today, we’ll explore the difference between Construction Managers and General Contractors, along with the reasons that developers choose one over the other.

Project Management Note Taking Tips: Double The Value (With Examples)
Project Management

Project Management Note Taking Tips: Double The Value (With Examples)

Project Managers around the world live and die by their notes. To do lists, logs and journals all serve the purpose of recording the most important parts of our project – in turn, PMs are constantly scribbling down notes, information and reminders throughout the day. Project Managers strategize, make decisions and take actions based on the information they have. It comes as no surprise that having sound note-taking skills can greatly boost a PM’s performance. When it comes to taking notes, there are some crucial methods to follow for best results. When notes are recorded in a certain fashion, they’ll pay you back in dividends over the course of a project. In this article, we’ll explore some project management note taking tips you can start using right now!

What Qualities To Look For In A Boss? The Things My Favorite Boss Did
Career Planning

What Qualities To Look For In A Boss? The Things My Favorite Boss Did

I find myself thinking about a lot of the negatives associated with project management and the workplace, even without meaning to. Delays, problems, issues, disputes, claims, manipulative people, standing up for yourself at work and other similar topics are what many of my articles are written about. There’s validity behind all of these topics for sure, but there’s a lot of good we can discuss at work, too – in project management and beyond. How you feel at work often comes down to who your coworkers are. The most important coworker of them all, though, is your boss. I imagine that there’s very few people who love their job but can’t stand their bosses. Today, we are exploring the question of “What are the qualities to look for in a good boss?”. I will answer by examining my favorite boss and the seven qualities he possessed!

Common Weaknesses Of Project Managers
Project Management

Common Weaknesses Of Project Managers: Overcoming My 6 Main Flaws

Are Project Managers born, or made? Most likely, it’s a combination of both. Whether our specific discipline is in Engineering, Software Development, Architecture, Construction Management, Business Management or none of the above, we decided to pursue our fields in part because of our natural passion and inclination for the craft. In this way at a minimum, Project Managers can be born. In the vast majority of cases, though, people within these fields need to get several years of experience on the job before being promoted to ‘Project Manager‘. These several years include valuable work experience, training and continual development. In

Is Construction Management Stressful? 6 Causes Of Stress
Construction Management

Is Construction Management Stressful? 7 Causes Of Stress

Are you fascinated by how things work? Do you get great satisfaction in seeing a project finished after hours of hard work? Do you like working under pressure to reach deadlines? If so, you share these traits with many construction project managers across the world! However, construction management is a busy industry. It’s hard work that requires having a variety of skillsets. You will experience pressure, and will be expected to perform at a higher level. If you’d like to work in the industry, it’s important to have a good understanding of what the job entails. What makes construction management stressful? Here are 7 causes of stress to consider…