CATEGORY | Look Ahead Schedule

Procurement Strategy For Long Lead Items In Construction - A Few Tips
Construction Management

Long Lead Items: Procurement Tips In Construction & Project Management

On construction projects of all sizes, maintaining the schedule is paramount. While most projects experience some level of delay, a construction project can be heavily impacted, derailed and even cancelled when certain items in the scope don’t go as planned. This includes items with a long lead time – items that take a long time to actually get in hand. It’s extremely important that long lead items run smoothly through their entire process; from procurement to installation. In this article, we’re breaking down the procurement strategy for long lead items in construction, along with a few tips to consider!

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule In Construction: Free Excel Template
Construction Documents & Templates

3 Week Look Ahead Schedule In Construction: Free Excel Template!

Every construction project has a schedule to keep. Even in the early stages of a construction project, Clients and Contractors alike must create a master schedule to determine a feasible, realistic completion date along with the steps it will take to get there. While master completion schedules are important, they don’t really provide enough data to determine the fine details of what’s happening today vs. tomorrow. Ironically, Contractors must get the short-term, “this week”-type of tasks nailed down solidly in order to ever actually keep up with the master schedule! In order to plan out the near future, Contractors rely on a specific technique. Today, we’re talking about the 3-week look ahead schedule in construction. We’re also giving away a FREE 3-week look ahead Excel template, too!