How Do You Organize Project Documentation? A Few Must-Know Methods

Take a look at every job listing for companies seeking a Project Manager. Two of the requirements that every company wants to see in a candidate are excellent organization skills and attention to details. This is for good reason – successful projects MUST be well-organized. Details get lost, efficiency drops and mistakes are made when project documents aren’t organized. Not to mention that files serve as legal documents that must be retained for some time after the project is done. How do you organize project documentation, then? In this article, we’ll discuss 10 must-know methods for organizing project documents the right way.

How Do You Organize Project Documentation? 10 Must-Know Methods

In my experience, successfully organizing project documentation comes down to forming good habits and and stick to them no matter what. Here are the ten areas I feel should focused on in order to set up project documents right and keep them organized throughout the life of the project.

  1. A Place For Everything
  2. Standard Operating Procedures
  3. Use Templates
  4. Track Information In Logs
  5. Create Checklists
  6. Use File Path & Location Tags
  7. Name All Files In A Uniform Manner
  8. Everything Must Be Written Down & Reviewed Regularly
  9. Shared File Storage
  10. Back Up Files Regularly

We’ll discuss a bit more about each of these topics below.

Monsters Are Real

1. A Place For Everything

Every document, regardless of size or importance, needs to have its’ own place to be stored. Keeping everything stored in a specific destination is the antithesis of keeping stacks of paper and files stuffed with every type of file imaginable.

Need to write something down? Write it all in one notebook.

Sorting through physical papers? Keep a manila folder for every type of file, or punch holes in them and put them in a 3-ring binder.

Need to save files on the computer? Create a folder for the project with other folders inside of it to organize files by category.

In construction, here is a typical file set up for any particular project:

  • Client Bills
  • Receipts
  • Contract / Legal Documents
  • Safety
  • Change Order
  • Submittals
  • Meeting Agendas / Minutes
  • Drawings
  • Written Specifications
  • Schedules
  • Files Related To Specific Work Items
  • Photos

While you may not be working in construction, a similar setup can be created for any type of project.


2. Standard Operating Procedures

The military is known for implementing strict rules and guidelines for executing tasks and reacting to situations. This is known as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Following similar protocol is an essential part of organizing project documentation.

Organizing every type of file should follow SOP. The important part is creating these procedures and implementing them amongst other project team members.

Here are a few SOPs I’ve used to organize project documents:

  • Receive an email containing an important document? Flag it, then save it in the folder it below (more about this in item 7).
  • Sending a client invoice via email? Copy the office admin and controller so they can reference it during monthly accounting.
  • Just finished a meeting? Write up minutes, save them in the files and issue them to all attendees plus those who need to know.
  • New set of drawings issued? Print out a set in 11×17, put in binder and save the digital version in the project file.

I could go on and on about the importance of Standard Operating Procedures, but the topics below are forms of SOPs, too.

3. Use Templates

The best part about following a template? It saves a ton of time.

Yes, they help us stay on track by prompting us to enter all vital info. Yes, they look nice and are easy to follow. But the best part is that they require us to do a lot of work one time (setting the template up), but making our job a piece of cake from then on.

Any time you need to create a document, you’ll already have a template ready to go that’s consistent with previous versions, looks good and reflects all of the thinking you already did when creating it. You just need to fill it out now, as does anyone else who uses your template.

I try to implement templates whenever I can. Here are a few I’ve created in previous articles, if they apply to the industry you’re in. All are free.

4. Track Information In Logs

Tracking information in logs is a cross between keeping a to-do list and creating an index for the project. Logs allow us to track a lot of vital information all in one place.

We can use logs to track dates that documents are submitted for approval as well as when they’ve been returned with comments. We can keep logs of tests or inspections that take place. We can track prices and quotes we’ve requested or employee training and certifications.

The list goes on and on, but creating logs to track all vital information is a necessary part of organizing project documents.

A Cluttered Desk Is A Cluttered Mind…

5. Create Checklists

When companies are performing many projects in any given year, they’re likely doing a lot of the same tasks on every project they’re working on.

Much like a Standard Operating Procedure, companies can create checklists of all the tasks that need to be done on each particular project.

This can include a “project start-up checklist”, or a checklist of the steps a particular phase of the project requires.

Many businesses and industries we regularly come across use checklists, like auto shops, hospitals, restaurants, real estate, medical offices and more.

Much like templates, checklists are something that take time to set up at first, but will pay you back over and over again in the future.

6. Use File Path & File Location Tags

This is a small tip that’s not required, but is very beneficial on larger projects with many files – these files turn into labyrinths after a while. File paths appear as text at the bottom of a document (usually) that notes where the file can be found in a computer file.

Not sure what a file path tag looks like? You’ve probably seen a file location before without knowing the exact name. Here’s an example:

C:\users\johnsmith\Desktop\Projects\Project A\Invoices\October

This means that on John Smith’s C:\ drive, they’ll click Desktop, then open the Projects folder, the Project A’s folder, click open the Invoices folder and look in the October folder to find it.

Here’s how to add a file path to an Excel or Word file.

7. Name All Files In A Uniform Manner

Does it drive you nuts when you look in project folders and see files labeled as “document1”, “blank”, “xJshrj5fhf7.pdf” or “IMG_228”? It makes it pretty hard to know exactly where to find a file, as well as which one is the correct one to use!

On larger projects, searching through files will be a time-suck and using the incorrect version of a document has a whole host of issues. Files MUST be easy to organize and sift through, especially on big, busy projects with lots of files.

I personally like to name things like this – you can do it whatever way you’d like to, so long as the file naming will be consistent and easy to interpret:

2019.10.23 Client Letter – [Insert Topic] – REV 1

What does this mean? The date of the letter is October 23rd, 2019. It’s a letter to the Client about topic x, and it’s the first revision of this letter (the first version is Rev 0).

If there’s another client letter written a week from now, the file name will begin with “2019.10.30 Client Letter – “.

An added bonus – file names are searchable! If you name your files like this and search for “client letter” inside your files, every client letter will pop up in the results. This goes for any type of file.

8. Everything Must Be Written Down & Reviewed Regularly

One of the first things I learned as a new Project Manager is to have paper and something to write with at all times. This is because many conversations take place in person, over the phone or out of the office, rather than in an email.

When we don’t write something down, we’ll forget a fair amount of the time.

It’s best to spend some time each week reviewing notes and compiling them into one master list. This can be some kind of status report or just a list of everything that needs to be done, acted upon or considered.

This makes strategizing and planning ahead a lot more straight forward. When you have all of the information in one place and it’s updated regularly, it’s a lot easier to make decisions moving forward.

9. Shared File Storage

Ideally, project files should be accessible by all project team members, not just the individual who created them. Just like anyone can walk up to a filing cabinet and look through it, so should they be able to on the computer.

Keeping files in a shared location has a number of benefits when trying to organize project documentation:

  1. They’re updated in real time
  2. Everyone works off of the same files
  3. Collaboration is a lot easier
  4. There’s less calling and emailing back and forth to request documents.

You can set up local shared folders within your company’s network, or you can use services like DropBox, etc.

It’s not a perfect solution – for example, only one person can modify a particular file at a time – but it does take a lot of guesswork out of accessing and referencing the correct files.

10. Back Up Files Regularly

Not much to say here, except it’s absolutely CRITICAL that project files are backed up regularly. Computers fry, files get hacked, people accidentally delete stuff – the list goes on. In any of these events, at least the bulk of the project’s files will still be available when they’re backed up safely.


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You can do this through services like Apple’s iCloud or Microsoft’s OneDrive, or you can back them up via an external hard drive. Whichever works for you.

The more often files are backed up, the better.

In Summary

Projects are often substantiated on paper as often as they are in reality. This is particularly true for large-scale projects involving elements of design, engineering, compliance, finances, etc. Having all project documentation in order is critical for both your project as well as for you and a Project Manager. Back to our original question of ‘How do you organize project documentation’ – you’re now equipped with ten simple strategies that when followed regularly, will keep your project files is perfect working order. One less thing to worry about! Thanks a lot for reading.





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